Lately I have been wondering the whole Blog world.
What is blogging? As of today, it seems it’s anything on the web.Really. But, you might run more and more with these styles:
Things have changed quite a lot since my first blog in Spanish back in 2004. Blogging seemed to be more to a personal level – thoughts, feelings, believes.
After starting blogging in English, most blogs I found are focused on monetization and self-promotion. More advertisement than content. More impersonal.
In the mummy world, my first encounter were the so popular and famous reviews and giveaways type.
I have been finding myself a little annoyed to be honest, because I miss running into a good story. Which usually would turn into friendship. And, I like making new friends.
I still haven’t found any interest in “following” a review-giveaway blogger. There is nothing to connect us. I still hope for the day this turn around again.
nyanarose says
I have a hard time with those product review blogs, too. I keep mine to tell a story for my daughter and for anyone else who wants to follow along.
Elle says
I feel the same way about those types of blogs. I just don’t understand them. I let it all hang out on my blog. I love when I write something that people can relate to. It’s nice to know that the person reading as well as me are not alone. 🙂