I’m using for the second time the Blogger app for my iPhone. Since I had this post in my mind for almost a week, it’s not surprise I’m late posting again.
The theme for this week: guilty pleasures. I wonder where that came from. I know from who but not sure what triggered it.
Anyhow here is my top 10 pleasures that trigger my guilts:
1. Shopping. For me and only me. I love it, anytime and anywhere. However, somehow I feel bad when tuning the total in my head and thinking in all the things that would really use that $$$
2. MacBreakfast. That says it all.
3. Bacon. This deliciousness is awesome by itself and with everything. I tend to *ahem* reuse the fat to keep cooking. At the end of my meal I pray to the Gods for an easy digestion and for a unclogged artery.
4. Gossip. Who hasn’t gossip ever? Ok, so don’t judge me. I admit I don’t do it often, but that is my secret weapon when conversation goes dead or simply I feel awkward. I feel dirty afterwards but it just feels good and the connection with others. 🙂
5. Winning. Something that stuck with me from “How to win friends and influence people” is that people like to be and feel important. One thing that help me feel great is winning at something or someone. My ego gets a great boost and I’m high for a while. This, has a contradictive feeling too, the other person’s. I don’t like being a contributor of negative thoughts, feelings or behavior. If anything, I keep cultivating among my friends growth and happiness. I feel guilty.
6. Packaging. I don’t know why but I am one of those that judge items by their packaging. LOL. I love pretty things, I love the feeling of items when I grabbed them to buy. But, with the whole eco-friendly revolution I sometimes regret my decision and push myself to compensate with my recycling practices.
7. Disposable items. Aside of the being-green revolution, living in a country where almost everything is at my finger tips makes me feel AWESOME and extremely guilty for those who can’t. Disposable income is not even a discussion at my parent’s home. Hockey crap, scrapbooking unnecessary stuff and any other not needed things rolls up to be an expense of a total of at least $200 a month. That’s the average bi-weekly salary then.
8. Internet and social media. I’m not as hooked as many of you (LOL) and I see how much joy I get when I can access the Internet and be all social or engaged with the latest channel. After a whole bunch of hours later when I realize that I’m still in pajamas realize that that kind of road has a price to pay. Gulp! I want to keep my friends and breath fresh air.
9. Extra Large Me food. My eyes go like nuts when I see my food being dispensed at the food court. I feel like the person is being shy with my portion so I try to go to a more “consistent” chain and upgrade to the extra large size. Then I realize the standard measure could have been a more appropriate for the size of my stomach. Other than the weight gain is the starvation factor in Africa. Guilty guilty guilty for feeling that greedy.
10. Cup of coffee at bed time. I don’t have one very often, but once in a while I don’t mind it. The consequence you would think is not able to fall asleep, nah! A funny bladder in the middle of the night is more likely.