…continuing the story from Mother Of All Tweet Ups – Part 1 Once my husband mentioned he knew Bruna since High School I couldn’t help but wonder; would I like her any different as if I did not know this piece of information? would she like me after knowing I am married to an ex-high […]
Mother Of All Tweet Ups – Part 1
This post is way over due. I have lots to say and seriously, I don’t want to bore you with a mega long post so I decided to brake it all down into an unknown qty of parts. This is the first, so stay tuned. Last December 23, 2011 was my first Blog-Tweet Up. Why […]
A Stinky Moment
There are times where I read or hear about the limits a mom crosses when lack of time is a factor. Missing a shower, skipping a meal, staying in pajamas two days in a row, brushing of the teeth is seen as luxury, etc… We know we have missed all of the above at least […]
A mom’s letter to Santa.
Dear Santa: I write this letter to you using my son’s pencil…on the back of this bill statement while I do laundry. I have been a good mother during this past year. I have fed, kept clean, and taken care of my kids accordingly. I have seen my kid’s doctor more than I have seen […]
Love Hurts – Mommy Edition
“Love hurts”. Sure we have heard these words more than a handful. And yet, I still wonder if this is only applicable to the matter of the heart in our teenage years – a scene of the Twilight movie just came into my head, sorry. How did we started putting these words together? 1. I […]