2012 is gone. Fast and furious it came and left. My mom came here last Christmas, I went back to work from maternity leave exactly a year from today, we took my mom back to Mexico in the summer, my husband remains unemployed and my little M started daycare part time in the winter time. All happened too […]
The Ultimate Letter to Santa
Last year, my letter to Santa got featured at BlogHer. I was more than thrilled. You know, BlogHer and all. This year, I am lucky (actually, more Santa than me) if my letter even made it a sentence. And if anyone complains about it all I have to do is quote Da Vinci: – Simplicity is […]
10 Kgs
Losing weight is a bitch. 10 kgs to go. That’s it.
Good Bye Skinny Shoes
Every mom has her skinny pair of jeans, right? They want to fit in after having a baby or a very rigorous lose weight plan. For me, the fact that I can still fit in my jeans prior pregnancy qualified them as my skinny jeans. I don’t dare to try *the* real skinny jeans from 10 years […]
Gangnam Style For This Mama
Whoever came up with the idea of this video, I bow to you. In a very long time I haven’t been able to catch up to the Top 10 most popular videos/songs. And while I was playing with the kid at dinner time this came up in my TV: All I can say is that […]